Abstract Submission Guideline Reference
Eligibility Criteria
a. Abstract of original research and should NOT have been presented or published at any local or international scientific journal and conferences.
b. At least one of the authors MUST register for the conference. It is preferable for the presenting authors to participate in the conference to present their findings.
c. Participants may submit more than ONE abstract.
d. Abstracts must be written and presented in ENGLISH.
e. Studies conducted in Ministry of Health facilities or using Ministry of Health data must submit NMRR ID and MREC approval letter/email with their abstract.
f. All clinical studies will be considered. This includes observational or interventional studies, cross sectional surveys, case series, and case reports.
g. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the acceptance of abstracts for poster presentation.
Submission Guidelines
a. All abstracts must be submitted online via https://www.atcsa2024.org/abstract
b. Hard copy submissions will not be accepted. For any issues or revisions of submitted abstract kindly contact the ATCSA 2024 Secretariat at secretariat@atcsa2024.org
c. Abstracts must be submitted by 31st August 2024, 23:59 hrs (MYT, GMT+8). Late submissions or incomplete abstracts will not be accepted.
d. The Secretariat will notify participants regarding the results of their submission via email by 1st October 2024.
e. The presenting authors MUST register for the congress latest by 1st November 2024, 23:59 hrs (MYT, GMT+8).
Oral Presentation
E-Poster Presentation
Young Investigator Award (Oral Presentation Only)
a. When submitting, presenters may indicate their preferred mode of presentation; either oral or poster.
b. As the slots for oral presentation are limited, not all submissions for oral presentation will automatically be accepted. Selection will be done by a panel of experts based strictly on scientific merits of the abstract.
c. Abstracts not selected for oral presentations will be automatically transferred as poster presentation.
Criteria for Congress Young Investigator Award (YIA)
a. At the time of presentation, the presenter must be below 40 years of age.
b. The first author listed must be the presenter.
c. The first author must have contributed significantly to the conception, design, data acquisition and interpretation of the study.
d. Original researches from any country are all welcome.
Abstract Format
1. The abstract should not exceed 250 words limit and include the following sections:
Results and
Discussion / Conclusion
2. Author(s)’ name must be written in FULL. Do not include professional title or degrees. List any institutional affiliation, state, and country. Please make sure all authors contributed significantly to the research.
3. Abstract title must be in Title Case, e.g. “Cardiovascular Problems in Community Settings”. Title should be brief and clearly indicate the content of the abstract.
4. Do not include graphs, tables, figures, or references in the abstract.
5. An abbreviation must be defined by placing it in parenthesis after the full word for the first time it appears.
6. The abstract must be submitted by the PRESENTING AUTHORS only.
7. Use numerals to represent numbers except when beginning a sentence.